About ttsadmin

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So far ttsadmin has created 22 blog entries.

TTS is awarded the Bersin by Deloitte WhatWorks Award for Delivering Innovation


Technology Transfer Services, was selected from hundreds of applicants for the Bersin by Deloitte WhatWorks Award for a specialized, blended online learning experience called ODESIE (Online Dynamic Enterprise Solution for Industry Excellence), incorporating videos, social media, serious games, and a basic virtual industrial plant to explore. ODESIE incorporates constant feedback and reinforcement using mixed media. [...]

TTS is awarded the Bersin by Deloitte WhatWorks Award for Delivering Innovation2013-08-21T11:31:34-04:00

Maintaining Engagement in eLearning


As if coming up with original content for your eLearning courses is not enough, it’s good to keep in mind the necessity of delivering the content in a way that will entice and engage the learner. Many eLearning developers or designers face this problem. Creating online courses that keep the learner intrigued and wanting more [...]

Maintaining Engagement in eLearning2013-04-08T17:35:33-04:00

Errors in Automation – Photoeyes


This article describes a common detection problems encountered in automated material handling equipment that are easily solvable. How many times have technicians replaced a supposedly defective photoeye only to discover that the replacement did not fix the problem?  All too often, the standard practice in many maintenance organizations is to crank up the gain on [...]

Errors in Automation – Photoeyes2014-09-10T16:26:33-04:00

Maintenance Planning


Maintenance shops around the world operate day in and day out, fighting the never ending battle with Operations for equipment control. When the equipment is available, how much of that time is used for maintenance? How much is wasted on a lack of pre-planning? While this war seems unending, sound practices can be implemented to [...]

Maintenance Planning2013-04-08T17:20:28-04:00

Industrial Hygiene


Industrial hygiene is a topic which may initially seem foreign to many individuals. Certainly the words, when spoken individually, are common place in our daily lives. Put together though, industrial hygiene is not a phrase that many in the industrial community, and even less so in the general public, would recognize. As it turns out [...]

Industrial Hygiene2013-04-08T17:16:32-04:00

Steam Turbine


Energy conservation and renewable energy are not new topics, although the public focus on them cycles periodically.  Steam is one source of energy that is versatile and good for the environment although how it is produced can vary greatly. Reciprocating steam engines, used since the late 19th century, powered everything from farm equipment to automobiles, [...]

Steam Turbine2013-02-20T14:59:42-05:00

Managing Client Expectations


What is most important to the success of a project? Is it staying on budget, completing work by the established deadline, customer satisfaction, or building long term client relationships? While the answer to this question may vary from person to person or company to company, there is an underlying factor needed to achieve all of [...]

Managing Client Expectations2013-02-20T15:00:04-05:00

Platform Development – Hurry Up and Wait


Delivering next generation eLearning to a global audience over a previous generation’s internet. The deployment methods available to software as a service (SaaS) companies are fairly limited by the nature of computers and computer networks.  Traditionally, full systems with hardware and software were used and maintained by a single vendor.  As time went on, mainstream [...]

Platform Development – Hurry Up and Wait2013-04-08T17:39:06-04:00



Just the mention of the name can sometimes strike fear into the hearts of employers and cause employees to scratch their heads in wonder.  I am amazed when employees ask "why do I have to do this?", only to have their employer respond with the standard "because you have to do it that way". They [...]


Managing eLearning Projects


I have been in a managerial position for about 4 years now. In that time, I have managed several different teams and projects, but nothing has been as unique as an eLearning project. With many of the projects I have lead, my team stayed unchanged, the deadlines were manageable most of the time, and the [...]

Managing eLearning Projects2014-02-13T09:27:21-05:00
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